Thursday, May 31, 2007

SAW Another Sequel

I wanted to make a short note about one of my favorite film series: "Saw." You might laugh at this as "Saw" is clearly no "Star Wars" but I had wanted to write about it as it is, I think, a perfect example of why critics need to be more...umm, critical--about themselves.
Presumably, you don't accidently wander into a theater showing any of the "Saw" movies. Presumably, you go into said theater knowing what you are going to see. But I guess the film critics missed Basic Common Sense 101 Class. "Saw" is "Saw" whether it's the first, second, or third in the series. People die horrible deaths by being placed in impossibly devious devices or situations and then at the end there is some kind of twist and then they make another sequel. That's it. If you liked the first one I would imagine you likely liked the last one and will probably like the new one coming out next Fall. If you didn't--you probably won't. Is it anymore complicated than that?
How much do my fiancee and I, love the "Saw" films? Last year we went to the premiere of "Saw III" dressed up as Jigsaw. If you don't know who Jigsaw is...well then, why are you reading this in the first place?

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